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International Women's Day at JSC "Gidroproekt"


Since the dawn of human civilization, a woman is the keeper of the hearth and comfort, a source of wisdom and kindness. The level of spirituality and cultural development of any society depends on the intellectual potential and spiritual development of women.

JSC "Hydroproject" pays great attention to the creation of decent working conditions for women, maintaining gender balance and equality. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity play an important role and daily make an invaluable contribution to the development and growth of the organization. 

On this festive day, every woman received flowers, many compliments and gifts from the men's team. The celebration of International Women's Day was held under the motives of national and foreign music, which elevates women's beauty and charm. 

JSC " Hydroproject " once again congratulates all women with the wonderful holiday of March 8. The company wishes everyone good health, prosperity, professional achievements and the greatest good in the world - family happiness.

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