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the meeting was held on the issues of the Shakhimardan SHPS


On February 20, a meeting was held on the issues of the Shakhimardan SHPS. The event was attended by a representative of the partner company “Global Hydro Energy GmbH”. Issues of integration of hydraulic equipment, its electrical part, adaptation of the project in accordance with the standards of Uzbekistan were discussed.

This HPS is located in the village of Shakhimardan, Fergana region, which is located in the border territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, closed in relation to the Kyrgyz Republic. In this area, the lack of a reliable source of electricity was revealed and the minutes of the government meeting of the organizing committee dated 17.08.1999 № 05-3-116 decided to ensure the construction of a SHPS on the Koksu River

Currently, a decision has been made to complete the construction of the Shakhimardan SHPS. The working project was developed in accordance with the task of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC “Uzbekhydroenergo”, UE "Construction Directorate № 1".

JSC "Hydroproject" has developed a working project, according to which the construction of the Shakhimardan SHPS began. A water intake unit and a derivation water pipeline, a pit of the station building were built, the main hydropower and electrical equipment was purchased. The structure was built, most of the hydraulic and electrical equipment was installed. This HPS is scheduled to be launched in September of this year.

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