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Modernization of HPS-2B (Cascade of Samarkand HPS)


To date, the modernization of the existing HPS-2B is being implemented as part of the UE “Cascade of Samarkand HPS” by such organizations as JSC “Uzbekhydroenergo”, JSC “Uzbekhydroenergostroy”, JSC “Hydroproject” and Chinese partners “China National Technical Import and Export Corporation” (CNTIC). The customer of the construction is the UE "Directorate for Construction № 1".

This year, the HPS-2B, which is located in the Samarkand region, in the village of Hishrau, will be put into operation. Before the modernization, its installed capacity was 18.83 MW.

HPS-2B has its own history. It was built in 1956, with two hydraulic units with a capacity of 6.4 MW each. In 1958, a third hydraulic unit was installed, the capacity of which reached 6.03 MW

In accordance with the list of investment projects for the construction of new and modernization of existing hydroelectric power stations, the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 2, 2017 № PR-2947 "On the program of measures for the further development of hydropower for 2017-2021" was adopted. Since March 2021, the process of modernization of the HPS-2B has begun.

The total cost of the project is $21.7 mln. USD. After modernization, the capacity of the station will increase to 26.6 MW, the annual average electricity capacity will increase by almost 3 times (from 43.6 to 139.6 million kWh).

The main goal of modernization is to increase the productive capacity of HPS, to ensure uninterrupted and reliable operation of electrical, hydro mechanical and hydraulic installations. The saved volumes of natural gas can be used to provide this type of fuel to the population, social facilities and various sectors of the economy.

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